All your important business metrics on one page.
Get a quick overview of your important data at any moment. MetricRiv pulls in data from your online services, business info, and other public data so you can quickly see your most important information.

Always have answers to your most important questions.
You choose the metrics that you want to see.
2m 3s
Do you know how much you spent in advertising this month?
You will probably need to login to an account and pull the numbers. If you have multiple advertising accounts, you would need to login to multiple accounts. MetricRiv can get you a total of all your advertising numbers.
Are revenues up or down this year?
With a simple number that tracks Year To Date performance against the previous year, you will know exactly where your business stands.
How much are you spending in total on shipping costs?
Shipping costs are a variable expense that can be difficult to track. MetricRiv can track your shipping numbers to make sure there are no surprises.
Do you know your churn rate?
There are all kinds of metrics that can be tracked for your business. Use MetricRiv to make sure your customers are happy and satisfied with your services.
Do you know how many visitors your site had in the last 24 hours?
There are usually a few numbers that are really important to you but can be difficult to load in a slow app. MetricRiv can pull that number for you so that you can load it quickly at any time.
Are valuable prospects falling through the cracks?
There are more and more ways to communicate: email, phone, chat, social media, message board forums, blog comments, etc. MetricRiv can give you the numbers to help track interactions.
If your site had errors, how long would it take for you to know?
If something isn't demanding your attention, there is a good chance you are ignoring it. What if you could put number trackers in place that will warn you of issues before it turns into an emergency?
Are you tired of looking through emailed PDF reports?
Email is important but depending how organized you are, it is really easy to miss important information. Instead of having the information emailed in a PDF, have the numbers loaded into MetricRiv.
Is your site slowing down over time?
How quickly your website loads is a very important factor in your success. Tracking these numbers can be difficult but MetricRiv makes it easy to pull out even the most complex numbers.
Are your landing pages successful? What is your conversion rate?
Knowing your conversion rate can help you keep a close eye on how effective your website is at selling your products and services.
Are you spending more than you need to for overtime?
Paying for overtime can get expensive. Have MetricRiv get your overtime numbers to make sure your employee schedules are being managed efficiently.
Have an idea for a number you want to track but don't see it here?
We are always looking for ways to improve. Feel free to reach out to us. We can even build custom integrations.
While running a marketing campaign, I needed to know daily advertising costs. Most business dashboards were too complex. I just wanted something simple that loaded fast. I couldn't find a service that did what I wanted so I decided to build it myself. I hope you find it useful too!

Founder of MetricRiv
If you use a service or an app that has an API or sends email reports, we can pull out your numbers.
- Airtable
- Github
- Google Analytics
- Mailchimp
- Stripe
- WooCommerce
- WordPress
This is a small list of what is possible. Don't see your service, have a custom service, or have a metric in mind but don't know where to pull the data? Just get in touch.
Have A Metric You Want To Track?
Get started tracking your metrics and bring greater clarity to your daily decisions.